Group Volunteering Interest Form

Bring your group to volunteer at Camp Blessing!

Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch about bringing your group to volunteer at Camp Blessing. Please refer to our Roles Information and Requirements below when filling out the form.

Term/Date You're Interested In:
Please Select One
  • Term 1: May 30-June 4
  • Term 2: June 6-11
  • Term 3: June 13-18
  • Term 4: June 20-25
  • Term 5: June 27-July2
  • Term 6: July 4-9
  • Term 7: July 11-16
  • Term 8: July 18-23
  • Term 9: July 25-30
  • Term 10: Aug 1-6
How many Crew?
How many Sidekicks?
How many Buddies?
How many Cabin Parents?
How Many Nurses?

Volunteer Roles Information and Requirements

Volunteer Role


Male Spots

Female Spots


Completed 6th-completed 8th grade

12 Total

12 Total


Completed 9th grade

6 Total

6 Total


Completed 10th-12th grade

12 Total

12 Total

Cabin Parents


3 Total

3 Total


23+ (MD, RN, LVN, or EMT)

1 Total

1 Total

Support Camp Blessing

Camp Blessing exists to provide help and hope to people of all abilities through Christ-centered camp experiences.