Medical Team

Join The Camp Blessing Medical Team!

Camp Blessing Texas provides a unique opportunity for youth and adults with physical, developmental, or intellectual disabilities to experience the love of Christ in a summer camp environment. This is provided by the amazing medical professionals, like yourself, who care for the medical needs of our campers. 

Camp Blessing Medical Team Roles

Volunteer Clinicians

Licensed medical professionals, who come to volunteer their time and expertise to care for campers here at Camp Blessing. These professionals maybe paramedics, nurses, PA's/NP's or physicians.

Clinic Staff Assistants

Adults 18 years old and up. These adults are caring and loving young men and women who work hard to care for the needs of the campers - whether that be engaging campers so they feel loved, cleaning the clinic, or helping our Clinic Leads as assigned.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a “volunteer clinician” at Camp Blessing? 

A clinic lead is a licensed medical professional (RN, Paramedic, NP, PA, Physician with a Texas License) who volunteers their time to work in the CBTX Clinic.

Do clinic leads have to pay to come to camp?

Volunteer Clinicians come for free in exchange for volunteering their time and expertise. This includes room and board for the week. If you have children in "Program Kids" you will need to pay for them to be in that program.

Does Camp Blessing have a medical director, standing orders or an on call physician?

Yes. Camp Blessing's health management practices include having a medical director, standing orders, and an on-call physician each week in addition to the onsite medical team. 


Who is there to help the clinicians during the week?

Camp Blessing has a clinic manager, who is also a licensed medical professional, employed by the camp to be onsite all summer to help oversee clinic operations. In addition, Camp Blessing employs roughly five clinic staff assistants who help with whatever needs as assigned. 


What does a day at Camp Blessing look like for a volunteer clinician?

Clinicians help with scheduled medications: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. Throughout the day, clinicians will help with any unscheduled treatments of first aid. There are periods of free time to see activities, spend time with family, or relax.

Got Questions?

Accommodations and Reviews

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Accommodations can be seen above. We provide hotel style rooms with linens provided. You will also have access to the laundry room.

Interested in Joining the Medical Team?

Support Camp Blessing

Camp Blessing exists to provide help and hope to people of all abilities through Christ-centered camp experiences.